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Donald Trump

Donald Trump Unloads On Jussie Smollett, Calling Him A 'Third Rate Actor' And 'A Disgrace'

Jussie Smollett Family Statement Donald Trump

Donald Trump just can’t help himself, can he?
It’s been more than a month since The Donald first publicly attacked actor Jussie Smollett with a tweet about the Empire star’s alleged attack on the streets of the city of Chicago several months prior. But now, after being remarkably silent for a while about it, Trump is back with a vengeance — and the whole damn thing is just ugly as can be.
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Trump was at his political rally on Saturday night in Green Bay, Wisconsin, when he started talking about his mission to “Make America Great Again,” and from there, he transitioned into how Smollett reported to police how his alleged attackers reportedly mentioned “MAGA Country” during the incident.
Well, Trump couldn’t help himself at that point, and he figuratively took aim at the Empire actor in front of thousands of people in Green Bay, calling him a “third rate actor” (like Trump would know anything about the art of acting), and saying that the entire case was “a disgrace” for the city of Chicago and the country. Yeah… He really went there… And looked like he had a damn fun time doing it, too…
Here’s some video from the moment during Trump’s rally last night (below) — it’s always so chilling how much the crowd plays off him in such a robotic, mindless way:

There’s something to be said here about the President of the United States continually attacking a private citizen over an alleged (and untried!) case that hasn’t seen a conclusion or even made its way through the courts. Trump has thrown out the presumption of innocence and gone completely full-bore after Smollett, simply to defend his stupid ‘MAGA’ slogan.
Not only is that not presidential, it’s incredibly petty and small-minded… which, come to think of it, those are pretty much EXACTLY the words to describe Donald Trump, so maybe this all makes sense and this bad behavior is absolutely in line with everything else we’ve come to expect from the Cheeto-in-Chief.
Related: ‘Empire’ Cast Pens Open Letter Asking For Smollett’s Return In Season Six
What do U think about Trump’s boorish, stupid takes on the social issues of the day, Perezcious readers? If you’re looking to him to navigate the current events world, you’re going to be pretty horribly misinformed… and yet, that crowd in Green Bay sure seems captivated by the stupidity. HOW?!
Sound OFF with your opinions on all things Trump and Smollett in the comment section (below)…
[Image via WENN]

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Apr 28, 2019 08:19am PDT