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Dennis Rodman Sheds Tears Discussing The Long Road To The Summit Between Donald Trump & His 'Good Friend' Kim Jong-Un

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Dennis Rodman wishes he can make a cake of rainbows and smiles and all the world powers would eat it and be peaceful.
The retired NBA legend basically turned into Crying Girl from Mean Girls in a interview with CNN Monday, weeping tears of joy about the highly-anticipated summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un.
Proudly wearing a MAGA hat, the former athlete broke down when speaking about his relationship with the misunderstood North Korean leader, a “good friend” who Rodman claims has been wanting to negotiate peace for quite some time, only to be ignored by the other (cooler) countries!
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How does he know this? Apparently, Kim once told Rodman he would “listen” to the requests of the Obama administration if the U.S. showed a willingness to negotiate — but Rodman claimed “Obama did not give me the time of day” when he tried to relay that information.
Thankfully, DJT was ready and willing to shake hands with Kim, who Rodman says is “more like a big kid” who likes to have fun and take selfies. No wonder those #TwoDictators got along so well…
Watch the interview (below) to see Rodman break down over falling in love with the North Korean culture and receiving death threats for meeting with Kim in the first place.

[Image via CNN.]

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Jun 12, 2018 10:42am PDT