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Donald Trump Supporters Wear KKK Robes At Nevada Caucuses! See The Shocking (?) Pics!

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Donald Trump‘s impassioned rants about making America great again and building a wall to keep immigrants out has gotten the support of a certain type of voter!
And apparently, some of those voters are members of the Ku Klux Klan!
The GOP frontrunner won the Nevada Republican caucuses on Tuesday with 45.9% of the vote — winning in a landslide over Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Ben Carson.
And it would have been a perfect night for Trump, if some of his voters hadn’t decided to rear their ugly hoods in support of the candidate!
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Two supposed Trump supporters were photographed at a Las Vegas caucus site dressed in white, hooded KKK robes.
The men were holding signs saying they were members of the New England Police Benevolent Association — a controversial group that also endorsed Trump back in December.
Several eye witnesses shared their shock and disgust on Instagram, posting photos of the bizarre display:

We’re not sure how Trump will address this one — although he probably doesn’t mind the extra votes!
Maybe he’ll just RT them like he does with Nazis
[Image via Instagram.]

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Feb 24, 2016 11:06am PDT

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