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Elizabeth Banks Feels Like A 'F*cking Asshole' After Missing Her Son's Graduation To Collect Her Glamour Award

Elizabeth Banks
It happens!
On Tuesday, Elizabeth Banks proved just how hard it is to be a working momma when she admitted she was missing her son’s pre-school graduation in order to accept her film-maker award at the Glamour Women Of The Year Awards across the pond.
Speaking to the crowd onstage at Berkeley Square Gardens, the 42-year-old beauty said:

“I have two little boys at home. Felix my oldest is five and graduating from pre-school tomorrow. I didn’t realize I was going to be missing it when I accepted my invite. I’m a f*cking asshole. Being a working mom is super complicated.”

Related: Watch Elizabeth & Jimmy Fallon Prove Their Taylor Swift Knowledge!
Miz Banks — who will no longer be directing Pitch Perfect 3 due to her commitment to her family — continued:

“At the end of a long working day, it’s my little sons who want to play chase and give me kisses and cuddles. Sorry my little buddy Felix for missing your graduation. I want to thank my mom, too, because she worked and proved to me it can be done.”

She concluded by joking:

“I hope this award doesn’t remind me of what a f*cking terrible mother I am!”

We’re sure all working parents can relate to this!
Later in the evening, Susan Sarandon offered her two cents to Elizabeth while accepting the Inspiration Award:

“I’m sure your son will grow up and talk to his therapist about this incident. But growing up in your family he’ll understand your art and the sacrifices you have to make for it.”

Ha! Solid advice!
Don’t be so hard on yourself, Liz!
[Image via Joe/WENN.]

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Jun 08, 2016 09:47am PDT