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Elle Macpherson, 50, Literally Has A Perfect Body! Is Her New Wellness Drink To Blame??

elle macpherson perfect body at age 50 becuase of health drink
Elle Macpherson is 50-years-old and has seriously one of the best bodies in all of modeling.
So of course people are going to want to copy her lifestyle to try and get similar results.
Since she’s all about getting her body through only the healthiest ways, we think living like Elle is a great idea!
That’s why so many people have hopped on her Super Elixir wellness drink bandwagon! It’s sold out twice in the UK already and the proof is in the picture.
Elle’s picture specifically, one she shared online and wrote:

“Super greens… After super swim.”

See? Now we can see why that stuff sold out so quickly!
You see Elle standing there, in a sexy bikini, looking so insanely fit, and she’s sipping on her wellness drink.
Of course people would link the two!
Elle said:

“For years, I was taking vitamins and powders. I tried alternative medicine, acupuncture, reflexology. I’m a pescatarian, I don’t drink, do drugs or smoke so what else can I do? I wasn’t unaware of wellness but something wasn’t working for me and I told my doctor ‘I don’t feel great.’ She told me my body was acidic, it was down to stress, travel and lack of sleep.”

So her wellness drink is supposed to help with all that!
But people need to remember the fact that she eats super healthy, super clean and loves to work out.
It’s all about diet and exercise, no matter how many wellness drinks you suck down.
[Image via Twitter.]

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Jul 18, 2014 20:32pm PDT