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Emma Watson

Emma Watson Gets Gross Backlash For Shading J.K. Rowling's Transphobia At BAFTA Awards: 'Biting The Hand That Fed You'

Emma Watson Takes Jab At J.K. Rowling’s Ongoing Transphobic Comments With Iconic BAFTA Speech!

Fans think Emma Watson just bashed J.K. Rowling — for the best reason!

The Harry Potter star appeared at the BAFTA Awards on Sunday to present the award for outstanding British film to Belfast, but fans believe she slyly used the opportunity to speak up for the transgender community while she was at it! As Perezcious readers know, J.K. has made headlines for her transphobic tweets over the years — something that Emma (as well as co-stars Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint) has continually fought against! And the evening’s appearance seemed to be no exception.

Related: How Emma Watson & Tom Felton Really Feel About Being Shipped By Harry Potter Fans!

Host Rebel Wilson introduced the actress to the stage, saying:

“Here to present the next award is Emma Watson. She calls herself a feminist, but we all know she’s a witch.”

That prompted Watson to insist as she took the stage:

“I’m here for all of the witches, by the way.”

The way she emphasized that “all.” Mm-hmm. She knew what she was doing.

Hermione even earned quite the cheer from the audience — take a listen (below)!

Love it!

But not everyone did! Plenty of Potter fans — or maybe just haters of all things woke? — crawled out to bash Emma for “biting the hand that fed” her because she “owes” the author her career:

“What has Emma Watson done since Harry Potter apart from an embarrassing and forgetful live-action remake of Beauty and The Beast? Not a strong foundation to launch an unjustified and crappy attack on @jk_rowling – talk about biting the hand that fed you.”

“Emma Watson wouldn’t have the career she has got now if it wasn’t for JK Rowling.”

“Emma Watson does realise we only put up with the rubbish child acting because of JK Rowling’s epic storytelling?”

“She would be flipping burgers or barefoot with 6 kids in a council estate only for JK”

Thankfully we don’t even need to respond — as the Order of the Phoenix was there to rise up and smack down that gross argument that Emma doesn’t have the right to voice her opinion!

“Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint owe JK Rowling nothing. Their talents are immense, and if they weren’t cast in HP they would have been cast in something else and we’d still be celebrating them as the national treasures they absolutely are.”

“Just so JK Rowling fans are aware pushing the ‘Emma Watson wouldn’t be where she is without JK’ is the hallmarks of abusers. So well done for yet again siding with abusers.”

“Love the bulls**t takes that surface every time Emma Watson dares to offer even mild opposition to JK Rowling’s hate. ‘If someone gave you a job two decades ago, you forfeit the right to ever criticise them in the future, even if they turn into a gigantic bigot.’ Get f**ked.”

Couldn’t have said it better ourselves! Thoughts?!

[Image via TODAY/HBO Max/YouTube]

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Mar 14, 2022 11:52am PDT