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Fashion Roadkill! Literally!


Reid Peppard has some competition!

Aspiring fashion designer James Faulkner is taking animal road waffles and turning them into wearable hats.

James says it all started when his friend needed a hat for a wedding.

“Without thinking, I said I’d make one, then I instantly panicked, but one day I was walking along the road and I spotted a magpie in quite a sorry state. I knew that my friend’s dress was black and white so I thought it could work. I picked it up using a plastic bag and later used the wing feathers to make the hat. It sounds awful, but I cut off the wings with an axe. When I told her it was made of roadkill she was very shocked and said she had images of maggots falling off her head, but it went down a treat at the wedding.”

Thanks for the visual!

But Faulkner says he actually finds great joy out of creating something pretty from something so gruesome. He explains: “Essentially, I feel like I am turning something sad into something quite stylish, and I think it’s good that the animal doesn’t just rot on the road.”

That’s one way to think of it.

Not too sure if this alternative way of wearing dead animals will catch on, but it is resourceful. Right?

What do U think of roadkill fashion???

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Mar 17, 2010 10:30am PDT

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