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Frozen Continues To Capture Hearts Worldwide! Disney Film Gets Dangerously Close To The $1 Billion Mark!

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With all this cash coming in, Olaf can have his own personal flurry of snowflakes made from dollar bills!
Ever since Frozen was released to the public in November, it has since turned into an animal on its own!
With countless adorable covers from children and adults alike and a possible Broadway show in the making, the film continues to do fabulously, and it hasn’t even come out on DVD yet!
The Disney flick just brought in $18.2 million abroad and $5.8 million domestically, putting its total up to $957.9 million dollars globally!
That’s just roughly $31 million shy from The Lion King, Disney’s highest-grossing animated movie that isn’t a sequel, which is pretty impressive, if we do say so ourselves!
Frozen has been #1 for five weeks straight overseas in Korea and with an opening in Japan just weeks away, that’ll probably help topple the film over the $1 billion dollar mark worldwide!
The whole world has Frozenitis!!
Will it ever end?! We hope not!

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Feb 19, 2014 09:01am PDT

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