Who knew comedian Gary Owen made this much money per month?!
And who knew his estranged wife, Kenya Duke, had been rolling in it — that is, before the stand-up comic allegedly straight-up stopped paying support to her and their three children. Yikes!
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According to court documents obtained late last week by People, the 46-year-old Ride Along star allegedly stopped paying support to his ex, also 46, after filing for divorce back in March. Now, since she alleges Owen is no longer answering her text messages, Duke has taken to court to officially request spousal support to the tune of $44,000 per month (!!!) from the funnyman.
In docs, the momma of three — who had been married to Gary for 17 years prior to their split — alleges she left a promising career prior to their marriage in order to support Gary’s dream. Because of that, she’s now particularly vulnerable after he allegedly stopped paying support altogether.
Kenya wrote in court docs (below):
“Gary and I have been married for over seventeen years. Twenty-three years ago, I left my promising career as an account manager to solely support Gary and his career. Gary made monthly deposits in the sum of $44,000 that I would use to pay for all our bills, credit cards‚ and personal spending for myself and the kids. I am requesting that Gary be ordered to continue making the monthly deposits of $44,000 as that has been our status quo for approximately four (4) years‚ as well as a lump sum payment of $88,000 for the last two months he has failed to provide me with funds.”
Wow! That’s a LOT of money!
But as Kenya is quick to point out in those same docs, Gary has been earning a lot more than that! She claims that he regularly earns “$200,000 to $400,00 a month, even through the pandemic.”
Must be nice!!!
And because he’s supposedly rolling in dough, Duke asserts it should be easy for him to pay up when it comes time to support her and the kids. She continued, in court docs:
“Gary has been the sole provider for the last twenty-three plus years and continues to make a substantial amount of money (even during COVID)‚ and there is no reason why he should not continue to provide support as he has throughout our marriage. I humbly ask the Court to order Gary to provide me with Support in the monthly amount of $44,000 as that has been the status quo for the last four (4) years.”
While $44,000 per month is a ton of money for anybody, she makes some good points! Plus, with three kids still at home, it’s clear there are more considerations here than just an estranged husband and wife doing battle in court.
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For now, it sounds like she has been living on credit cards while she waits for the family court judge in this case to take action:
“I will continue to pay our monthly bills until a permanent arrangement can be made between us. I find it humiliating and hurtful to have to text Gary twice a month to ask for money. The fact that he does not respond to those texts leaves me feeling extremely scared and anxious. I further request that Gary contribute to my attorney’s fees in the amount of $50,000 as I have no income or access to funds to pay my attorney beyond what I have already paid via credit card for which I have yet to pay off.”
Not a great situation! What do U think, Perezcious readers?? TBH, we can’t get over the fact that Gary Owen makes that much money per month. Who knew?! What a life! If that’s the case, shoot, Kenya ought to be entitled to $44k of it, ya know??
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