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Campbell's Soup Stirs Up Controversy -- Simply By Putting A Gay Couple In Their Star Wars Commercial!

campbells soup star wars gay days commercial
We think it’s great!
Campbell’s Soup Company just released an adorable new Star Wars-themed ad featuring two gay dads and their son — and somehow people think that’s controversial!
The commercial features two fathers who both quote the famous Darth Vader line “I am your father!”
Related: Go Gay For Doritos! Support The LGBT Community By Snacking On New Doritos Rainbows!
Though there is also support for the ad, unsurprisingly there are way too many people who aren’t happy about it.
Not only are there horrific negative comments on YouTube (obvi) but also organizations like OneMillionMoms trying to get the ad banned!
But Campbell’s has NO intention of removing the video. VP of Marketing Yin Woon Rani explained in a statement:

“We wanted to show actual families, which means families of different configurations, cultures, races and life choices. The American family is changing faster than at any time in recent history and it is now a true mosaic of shapes and sizes, all bonded through love, and love of good food.”

We think it’s absolutely FANTASTIC and love Campbell’s for defending it!
Ch-ch-check out the cute video (below) and decide for yourself!

[Image via Campbell’s Soup Company/YouTube.]

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Oct 09, 2015 14:57pm PDT