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Attention, Harry Potter Fans! There Is Now Butterbeer Ice Cream!

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No, you aren’t looking into the mirror of Erised; there really is butterbeer flavored ice cream now!
Thanks to beer company Yuengling’s (yep, they make ice cream now, too!), the ambiguously alcoholic refreshment from Harry Potter is now the newest frozen dessert!
Related: Ben & Jerry’s Launches Cereal-Inspired Flavors
Per the ice cream maker’s press release:

“Once described by J.K. Rowling “a little bit like less sickly butterscotch,” the Yuengling’s Ice Cream take on the flavor will be made from half buttercream ice cream, half butterscotch ice cream, and twisted with a butterscotch swirl. The result is magical decadence that will transport you to another place and time.”

Holy yuletide balls that sounds amazing!
(And no, the sweet treat does NOT contain alcohol! DanRad is just buzzing on that felix felicis.)

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Mar 21, 2017 20:33pm PDT