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No Bad Blood (Or Spit)! Harry Styles & Chris Pine Spotted Hugging In Brazil After Don't Worry Darling Drama!

Harry Styles and Chris Pine reunite in Brazil

Don’t worry, darlings! And by that we mean mutual fans of Harry Styles and Chris Pine! (And shippers for the pair of hunks, y’all are invited, too.)

It looks like the two stars are all good with one another and their bodily fluids!

Back during the drama-filled lead to the release of Don’t Worry Darling, the beef between director Olivia Wilde and leading lady Florence Pugh got so hot it spilled over onto co-stars Harry and Chris.

The height of the tension (and the nadir of discourse for many a grumpy cinephile) happened just before the premiere of the film at the Venice Film Festival. Chris was apparently being used as a human buffer between IRL couple Olivia and Harry in the theater seating — it seemed frankly to us like the couple were fighting, and she needed the space. In any case, when Harry approached, he leaned over and did… something. The Star Trek star looked down at his lap in bemused disbelief, and that was the end of it.

Related: Harry Kissed Florence THEN Started Hooking Up With Olivia Wilde?!

In what was quickly dubbed SpitGate, thousands were convinced the One Direction star had straight hocked a loogie on Chris. Others thought he maybe did the middle school bully thing of pretending to spit to get someone to flinch.

A rep for Best Chris denied the whole thing, saying:

“This is a ridiculous story — a complete fabrication and the result of an odd online illusion that is clearly deceiving and allows for foolish speculation… Just to be clear, Harry Styles did not spit on Chris Pine. There is nothing but respect between these two men and any suggestion otherwise is a blatant attempt to create drama that simply does not exist.”

And reps for Harry said simply:

“This is not true.”

Not everyone was sold. After all… WTF happened then, right? What did we all watch??

But it seems they were on the level. Because in the first instance of anyone from the movie reuniting since the controversial promotional tour — even Harry and Olivia broke up very shortly after — these two guys have come together once again.

Chris and Harry were photographed hugging it out in São Paulo, Brazil of all places! (Better than Victory at any rate!) The Watermelon Sugar singer is in town on tour; Chris is promoting his upcoming Dungeons & Dragons movie at the CCXP comic-con. Both men seemed to be pleased to see one another. This week fans shared the pics of the very pleasant reunion, which you can see HERE.

It’s clear if there ever was any beef between these two, it’s all gone. Maybe there was some drama, but Harry cut it out of his life, along with Olivia? Or perhaps the issue was never between these two — Chris was just being used as a human shield?

What do YOU think happened between the two very chill dudes??

[Image via The Late Late Show/Warner Bros/YouTube.]

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Dec 07, 2022 06:17am PDT