Ice Cube, man, what are you doing?!
The 50-year-old rapper-turned-actor is now facing a large backlash on Twitter after users began to be alerted to a string of what was seen as anti-Semitic and otherwise conspiracy theory-filled tweets coming from his official account. And some of this stuff is WAY over the top!!
Related: Ice Cube Takes Bill Maher To Task Over N-Word Controversy!
For one, the Next Friday star tweeted a picture of a Monopoly board being played by a group of older men with exaggerated physical features typical of anti-Semitic tropes, as you can see (below):
Yet another photo he tweeted suggested that the “Black Cube of Saturn” — which conspiracy theorists claim is a symbol of the occult — lies within the Jewish Star of David. Uhhhh…
Very quickly, critics called out Cube for his bizarre (and damaging) imagery and accusations, with one user comically writing (below):
“Cube, this is an Anti-Semitic trope. Please take it down as it suggests Jews control everything. And trust me, we don’t. Because if Jews controlled everything, I would be rich af & Donald Trump would be in prison #DoBetter.”
LOLz! Well said, correct, and also funny. Love it! Another user added more, tweeting:
“Hi Cube. I’m sure you didn’t realize, but that’s a famous anti-Semitic meme you posted. Please take it down. Jews stand with you. I know you wouldn’t mean to fight hate with more hate. #BlackLivesMatter.”
Prominent writer Roxane Gay further led the charge against Cube’s, um, interesting opinions, responding with her own strong message asking him for clarification:
“It is impossible to take you seriously with regards to social justice or,.. anything when you post anti-Semitic imagery. What the f**k are you doing?”
That was our question, as well…
Cube himself hasn’t immediately commented on any of the content he’s been posting over the past week beyond a tweet late Wednesday night in which he confirmed (?) it was really him tweeting, and his account had not been hacked. Ooookay!
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Also on Wednesday, Twitter covered several of the images in several of his tweets with “potentially sensitive content” labels. To that end, then, it’s clear that at least somebody is concerned about the famous rapper’s unchecked Twitter fingers. Reminds us a little bit of the President, come to think of it… goodness gracious, what a weird time to be alive!!!!
What do U make of Cube’s tweet controversy here, Perezcious readers?! He’s getting dragged for it, and deservingly so?! Or not??
Sound OFF with your take on everything that’s going on down in the comments (below)…
[Image via WENN/Instar]