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Iran Wants To Send A Persian Kitty Into Space!

iran space kitty persian

It’s like Iran has taken something out of our dreams — an adventuring space-kitty cat that defeats the evils of the universe with its bravery, purrs, and soft pawwws — but something tells us it isn’t going to be the best time the cat has ever had!

We all know how terrified the monkey they sent up was (and how some even questioned whether it was the same monkey when it landed)!

The cat, according to top scientists, could be a Persian cat: a long-haired, flat-faced breed (we’ve shown you an example of what it will exactly look like above). They expect the furry feline to touch the heavens around March 21, the end of their year.

But hold up! The report said a mouse and rabbit also are under consideration, so like, the cat better not f*** up between now and then!

LOLz! (But for real.)

The launch reportedly would be with a larger, liquid-fueled rocket. One of the reasons they’re looking into this stuff, they claim, is to put their own satellites into orbit to ‘monitor natural disasters’ in the nation, improve telecommunications and expand military surveillance in the region.

But first: CATS.

(Or a mouse or rabbit.)

[Image via AP Images.]

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Sep 16, 2013 19:01pm PDT

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