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Jenna Jameson

Jenna Jameson Pleads Not Guilty To DUI Charges

Jenna Jameson guilty of dui
Called it!
Jenna Jameson isn’t getting any jail time for that DUI she was charged with back in May after crashing into a pole in El Lay.
She pled not guilty back in July, but then made a deal and entered a guilty plea on Thursday, which made one count of driving without a valid license disappear.
So what is the porn queen’s punishment after getting caught driving recklessly with .13 BAC and two prescription drugs in her system?
Three years of informal probation!
She’ll also have to complete a 3-month alcohol education program and a Mothers Against Drunk Driving program, but still, it sounds like she got off pretty easy considering she faced up to a year in jail.
Lucky girl. Now can we PLEASE not have another incident like this ever again? K, thanks!
[Image via Mavrix Online.]

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Aug 17, 2012 09:42am PDT

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