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Getting In Shape For College

Jennifer Cohen pic

With college right around the corner, a new class of freshmen students will be entering into unfamiliar territory with all too familiar insecurities.

Let’s face it. Doing well in school doesn’t just mean getting good grades anymore, it means having a good social life too! For some, getting physically fit is a way to fit in with their peers.

FitPerez reader and college freshman, Dana, wrote to celebrity personal trainer Jennifer Cohen for advice with these insecurities in mind and asked:

Hi Jennifer,

I’m going to college for the first time next week and I’m worried I’m not going to be as hot as all the other girls, AND I’m worried about classes. I want to do well, be happy AND like the way I look – What can I do??

According to Jennifer:

Those other girls are thinking the EXACT same thing you are! Everyone has insecurities, and the best thing we can do for ourselves is to recognize them and not let them get us down.

You can actually retrain your brain and change your bad habits into good ones! Check out my new blog post for ways to feel better about yourself and start out right at college. Read: Start College with a High GPA (Good Personal Attitude)

Good luck Freshman! Tweet me @JenCohenNGR, let me know what your biggest challenges are at school or home, I’ll answer!

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Aug 15, 2011 14:30pm PDT

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