As we previously mentioned, Jeremy Lin will now be playing for the Houston Rockets!
Linsanity made its way down to Texas when Lin signed a $25,000,000 three-year contract.
That’s Linmazing! (Are we doing that right?)
Lin and new teammate Chandler Parson went out to dinner before the introduction was to take place.
Apparently they were interrupted 15 or 20 times by fans recognizing Lin. That’s Lindickulous!
Parsons is a star too, who played all but three games last season, but he was basically ignored.
He said:
“I was a little insulted. But that’s exciting. You want someone like that on your team to bring fans, you want sold-out games. You want the attention like that. The more attention he has, the more attention the Houston Rockets have.”
The Rockets will definitely be lucky to get Lin and his “ill basketball skillz.”
Lin was introduced in a press conference at the Rocket’s practice court.
Lin said:
“It’s been an unbelievable ride. Just a lot of things I didn’t expect to happen, in terms of just the way last season went. I still have to kind of remind myself that this is all actually happening, sometimes. But it’s a huge blessing. I can’t believe how it all shaped up, and for me to be here right now. I’m definitely excited and thankful.”
He’s so Linawesome!
We bet the Rockets are gonna be a real contender this season.
They won’t be able to lose because they’ll be so busy Linning. (Winning). LOLz!
[Image via FayesVision/WENN.]
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