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Three More Women Have Come Forward With Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Jeremy Piven

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Several months ago, five women accused actor Jeremy Piven of various forms of sexual misconduct — and this weekend, in a bombshell new report at BuzzFeed News, three more women have come forward with brand new allegations of sexual misconduct and impropriety.
The claims of the three women date back decades, with allegations of inappropriate behavior and more against the former Entourage star.
Related: Brigitte Nielsen Slams Sexual Assault Allegations Against Sylvester Stallone
In addition to the women themselves, BuzzFeed spoke to a total of eight other people who all variously confirmed that the women had shared their stories with them at the time, or in the years since, well before these stories had gone to print.
That means now eight total women have come forward publicly to accuse Piven of sexual misconduct.
Piven’s lawyers have vehemently denied the claims outlined in this new article — just as they did in November — calling them “works of fiction,” and adding that the stories are “conjured up in an opportunistic effort to capitalize on the current media storm in order to obtain attention and/or money.”
Related: Smallville Alum Accused Of Being Sex Cult Leader’s Right Hand Woman
In a written statement for this story, Piven himself added (below):

“These allegations, which in one case goes back more than 30 years and the two others more than 20 years ago, are false. As evidenced by the lie detector test I took and passed, I have never forced myself on anyone, nor have I ever exposed myself or restrained anyone against their will. To the contrary, if any woman ever said no, I stopped.”

He did take a lie detector test, for what it’s worth.
Piven and his lawyers also threatened BuzzFeed with lawsuits if they published, but, well, here we are.
For the specific details outlined by the three new women coming forward, click HERE.
Not much happened to Piven last time.
Will this time be any different??
[Image via Judy Eddy/WENN.]

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Jan 27, 2018 18:51pm PDT