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Jessica Simpson Bumps It Up At Chanel After Working Out!

jessica simpson goes shopping after the gym1(1)
Ooh fancy!
Jessica Simpson may be EXTREMELY pregnant, but that ain’t stopping her from werking out or even from shopping at a swanky boutique!!
The mother-to-be for a second time around hit a gym in El Lay yesterday, and as soon as she was done getting her fitness on, she visited Chanel for a little retail therapy.
Since Miz Simpson is trying her hardest to bump along everywhere she goes, she didn’t care about how she looked when she entered the elaborate shop, but hey, no one has officially said that wearing rolled up sweats and a hoody isn’t Chanel-approved attire… especially because she’s mother freakin’ Jessica Simpson.
After all, we think Eric Johnson‘s fianc├â┬⌐ is gonna continue to dress like this because she was just spotted in Beverly Hills looking the same exact way. LOLz
Whatevs, she’s preggers, so Jess can do whatever her little heart desires!!
[Image via FameFlynet Pictures.]

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Mar 29, 2013 16:29pm PDT