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Johnny Depp Confesses He's Close To Retirement!

johnny depp career gif

This is madness!

He hasn’t even won his Oscar yet — a feat, we might add, that has been deserved for years now!

But despite his incomplete trophy shelf, Johnny Depp is warning us all of his impending retirement.

After hinting on the subject in his recent Rolling Stone interview, Johnny further confirmed his thoughts on leading a life without scripts and premieres in a Monday chat with BBC.

Speaking words of (unbearably sad) wisdom, he mused:

“I wouldn’t say that I’m dropping out any second, but I would say it’s probably not too far away. At a certain point, you start thinking, and when you add up the amount of dialogue that you say per year, for example, and you realize that you’ve said written words more than you’ve actually had a chance to say your own words, you start thinking of that as a kind of insane option for a human being.”

Nooo!! He sounds super serious!!

Quitting a life of maximum fame for more worthwhile activities!?!

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Sigh… but, but… let’s just look on the bright side here.

Maybe he’ll pour all of his time into writing a book and going on a tour that makes it 10x easier to meet him! We’d be all for that! Ha!

Fortunately we still have a while before he jumps off the Hollywood grid, as he is still set to woo us in a number of upcoming films: Transcendence, Alice in Wonderland 2, and the fifth Pirates of the Caribbean!

And if he doesn’t win a tiny lil’ gold man during his career, he BETTER get one of those ‘thanks for kicking ass throughout your entire life and creating characters that will last forever’ lifetime achievement Oscars!

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Jul 29, 2013 13:08pm PDT

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