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Kaley Cuoco's Husband Gives Birth To Food Baby & Provides Photographic Proof

kaley cuoco ryan sweeting food baby poop dump
Is it just us, or are pics like these something that don’t have a place in any life — let alone online for all to see??
It all started when Kaley Cuoco‘s charming husband, Ryan Sweeting, went online to talk about the good dinner he had.
He said this along with the first pic (above):

“Man dinner was goooood!!! Dessert time now!! #steakmakemehappy.”

He chose to take a pic of his super full tummy instead of actually showing us the delicious food. Harmless enough, right?
Then he took it a little too far and posted a pic of his tummy again, this time 10 minutes after taking a giant dump.
He said:

“10 mins after a quick bathroom trip #everybodypoops.”

Either he was just sticking out his stomach in the first photo and then retracting for the second, or he really did what he says.
It was either a joke, or very, very oddly real.
EITHER WAY, Kaley must be so proud!
[Image via Instagram.]

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Feb 25, 2014 16:29pm PDT

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