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Kaley Cuoco Talks About Growing Up In Self!

Kaley Cuoco is a HUGE superstar, but she admits that she owes a lot of her success to her parents!!
Awww, how sweet!!
In an interview with Self, The Big Bang Theory actress talks about growing up and how her parents never let her just do one thing.
Here are the HIGHlights:

On her parents:
“My parents are pretty normal and I’ve had the same best friend my whole life, so I’m seminormal. I look at Lindsay and Britney and think, Where are their normal friends and family? Why doesn’t someone say to them, ‘If we go out, wear underwear’?”
On growing up:
“When I was growing up, my parents’ rule was don’t do just one thing. So, if I was auditioning, I had to play tennis or go to art camp, too. Big Bang is unbelievable. I’m blessed, but it’s not the only thing in my life.”

We’re glad to hear tha Kaley had a great upbringing because she definitely turned into an AH-MAYZING woman!!
Don’t U agree?!?
[Image via FayesVision/WENN.]

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Dec 21, 2012 11:32am PDT