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Kendall Jenner PISSED 'F**king Bystander' Corey Gamble Is On Sis Kylie's Side After Blowout Fight!

Kendall and Kylie Jenner are going at it with each other!

Kendall Jenner is still reeling from that blowout fight she had with little sis Kylie Jenner.

And it’s not just the tight twosome involved: Kendall is steaming over the role Kris Jenner‘s boyfriend Corey Gamble played in instigating the whole thing, and in teaming up with her makeup mogul sibling! Thursday night’s Keeping Up with the Kardashians dealt with the aftermath of that wild fight, and the bad blood that remains!

Related: Kylie Jenner Actually Did Something Good!

As you’ll recall, the pair went at it — like, fists, stilettos, and everything — during last week’s episode of KUWTK, which took place as part of a girls’ trip to Palm Springs. Now, flash forward a few days after the whole fam has returned home, where nothing much has changed.

In last night’s new ep, Corey tried to make nice with Kenny — at the momager’s urging — by inviting her to a Los Angeles Lakers game, but the 24-year-old model declined. She claimed to Kris’ 39-year-old boyfriend that she was busy and couldn’t go sit court-side… before getting straight to the point. She told Corey off, saying to him (below):

“I’m definitely, like, not cool with how everything went down and I feel like you were the adult in this situation, and you handled it very badly.”


Gamble attempted to brush things off by noting the spat was simply between sisters, but Kenny wouldn’t stand for it. Her voice rising, the supermodel called out Corey for trying to side-step his role in the incident:

“You’re in the fight, Corey. You’re a hundred percent in the fight. You said, ‘F**k you’ to my face. You can’t even say, ‘I’m sorry.'”

So, um, Kendall definitely has a point there!!! He, meanwhile, refused to just sit there and take it. Making things worse, he called out Kendall with his own harsh words, retorting:

“You’ve been a rude person since for years, man. You’re an a**hole when you feel like it. You get riled up for no reason, [and you] don’t apologize for nothing.”

Uh-oh. THAT is going to set it off!

Angered by his bold claims against her character, Kendall retorted that Corey doesn’t know her well enough to be saying things like that — even slamming him as a “a f**king bystander” in her response. Yikes!!! Kris, you gonna pop up at any point and diffuse this thing, or what?!

Related: Kendall Reveals She’s The ‘Huge Stoner’ Of The Family!

Cooler heads eventually prevailed as Corey and Kendall separated, but it doesn’t really appear as though anything has been settled between them.

While Gamble argued in his confessional that the fight “was some simple dumb s**t” and “not my business,” Kendall still couldn’t get past his stubbornness not to take account for his actions to instigate it:

“The way it was handled was just really wrong. He’s just not right in this situation, and I’d rather him just admit it.”

We get it! Audio of the fight had Gamble seemingly telling the young star to get out of the car he and Ky were riding in, so we wouldn’t exactly say it had nothing to do with him.

For her part, Kris did her own confessional discussion on Kendall and Corey’s disagreement, though it’s clear she was trying to stay out of the whole thing. The 64-year-old momager said:

“I still feel really bad about what happened, and I feel really bad for Kendall that she’s so upset. But also, I don’t like being put in the middle between my girls and Corey, and it just feels really uncomfortable.”

Yeah, we can tell…

You can watch all the highlights from this situation in the episode recap vid (below), including Khloé Kardashian suffering from some sort of illness after celebrating bestie BFF Malika Haqq‘s babymoon:

Well then!

Reactions, Perezcious readers?! Does Corey have a point here or nah??  Should Kris have done more to shut things down between her boyfriend and her daughter when emotions really got heated?! And where the f**k is Kylie?? How did a Kendall-Kylie brawl turn into a Kendall-Corey showdown?! Feels like Kylie ought to be taking a little more action here, though she made it clear in the episode she was sticking by her part of the fight.

Sound OFF about everything down in the comments (below)…

[Image via WENN/Avalon]

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Oct 16, 2020 09:36am PDT