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Khloe Speaks Out On Lamar's NBA Troubles

As we previously mentioned, Lamar Odom will be put on the inactive list for the rest of the Mavricks’ basketball season.
Khloe Kardashian, faithful wife, took to twitter to defend her hubby.

“Never a dull moment. You deserve so much better. Know your worth and know your skills that have been proven and earned!”

She moved to Dallas when he was traded from L.A. and became a Dallas radio host. She really loved him and moved without question to be with her man. So naturally she said:

“You showed your strength, I love you.”

When people were being negative towards her and her husband she went on the defensive:

“[People] want to assume they know. My last tweet was for me and not for anyone else. I always send out encouraging tweets but today I get backlash? Odd.”

Khloe is now also stuck between Dallas and L.A. and said:

“Heading to LA today because I am doing the Ellen show tomorrow. Why do I always have to leave when there is so much to do. I love Dallas :(“

She must be so conflicted, but leave it to her true fans and supporters to keep her stable. To them, she said:

“I love you guys!!! I have such amazing FRIENDS on twitter!!! Yes you are my FRIENDS!!!!”

We feel so bad for Lamar and hope you can stay strong Khloe, you’ll need to be his rock.
[Image via WENN.]

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Apr 09, 2012 18:30pm PDT