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Khloé Kardashian Still Doesn't Think She's Reached Her 'Goal' Weight!

khloe kardashian goal weight
We’re only a handful of days into 2017, and Khlo├â┬⌐ Kardashian is already killing it.
With her new show Revenge Body set to premiere on January 12, and her healthy frame as fit as ever, it’s no wonder the KUWTK star is feeling “great.” Still, that doesn’t mean KoKo’s work is done!
Related: Khlo├â┬⌐’s Tips For Eating Healthier!
During a candid chat with E! News, Miz Kardashian revealed she hasn’t reached her “goal” weight. Nonetheless, the reality TV vet is more determined than ever to stay fit. She explained:

“I feel great, but I believe that this is a lifestyle. This is a way of life, I’m gonna work out at least three days a week for the rest of my life.”

Hear! Hear! Kardashian continued:

“It’s for health and it’s for my sanity, it’s for my mental clarity, that’s why I enjoy working out.”

Well said. And while many of the contestants on her show may be seeking “revenge bodies” against a specific person, Khlo├â┬⌐’s health journey wasn’t motivated by one singular person’s actions.
Kris Jenner‘s daughter relayed:

“No, for me it wasn’t one person. For me it’s getting revenge just on my life. I feel like the older I’m getting, I feel like I get better and better and I do think I look younger and I feel better than I did five years ago… People like to assume my revenge was on someone but it’s not├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥it was really even just everyone who called me ‘fat’ or I’m the ‘fat sister’ or this or that. But I didn’t seek that out intentionally, mine was a byproduct of me really trying to just de-stress myself and as a side effect I was like, ‘Wow!’ I started losing weight.”

Snap! Snap!
We’re honestly so impressed with the lifestyle change Khlo├â┬⌐ has undergone. Keep up the good work, girl!
[Image via Instagram.]

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Jan 06, 2017 13:11pm PDT