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Walking Dead Actress Laurie Holden Proves She's Just As Bad-Ass In Real Life As She Helps Catch Sex Traffickers In Columbia!

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This is absolutely in-friggin-credible.
Laurie Holden, most famous for her portrayal of Andrea on The Walking Dead, has proven that not only did she play a badass zombie killer, but she’s apparently a badass in real life!
The actress worked alongside an organization known as Operation Underground Railroad that targets sex traffickers on a mission in Colombia where she helped them rescue 55 underage sex workers.
[ Related: 5 Things You Missed From The Walking Dead Premiere! ]
Oh, and the entire thing was caught on camera for Nightline!
The sting itself proved to be complicated because in Colombia money must be exchanged before legal action can be taken against sex traffickers, so the organization set up a fake bachelor party where the payment would take place.
So, what was Laurie’s part in all of this?
While the arrest happens, the actress and a bunch of social workers move in to comfort the girls while an arrest is happening.
Heartbreakingly enough, the girls only seem concerned about one thing…
Whether they’ll be paid for their services or not.
The entire video is absolutely heartbreaking to watch and you can clearly see the toll it takes on Laurie.
However, the work that she and Operation Underground Railroad are doing is, clearly, incredibly important.
Keep on being a baddass both onscreen and off, gurl!
You can watch the whole crazy ordeal for yourself (below)!!!

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Oct 20, 2014 10:38am PDT