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Macklemore Releases Official Statement About His Controversial Costume; Resemblance To A Jewish Stereotype "Never Crossed" His Mind!

macklemore apologizes for his jewish stereotype costume oops
He speaks! Well, he says more, technically!
Macklemore performed in Seattle the other day in a very, errr, controversial costume that most have said was poking fun at the “Jewish stereotype.”
Which, even if he initially denied it, we gotta admit, it does kinda look like one…
However, Macklemore took to his website to release a statement explaining that when constructing his disguise for the event, the fact that he resembled a Jewish stereotype “never crossed [his] mind.”
Errrrrr….okay, sure…
He explained:

“Earlier in the day I thought it would be fun to dress up in a disguise and go incognito to the event, so that I could walk around unnoticed and surprise the crowd with a short performance. I picked up a bunch of fake mustaches and beards and grabbed a left over wig from our recent trip to Japan…
We showed up to the event, I hit the stage in the outfit, rocked two songs, took pictures and went home. We had a great time and it was fun to be a surprise guest in a costume. I’ve always loved dressing up and have been doing so my entire career. The character I dressed up as on Friday had no intended cultural identity or background.
I wasn├óΓé¼Γäót attempting to mimic any culture, nor resemble one. A ├óΓé¼┼ôJewish stereotype├óΓé¼┬¥ never crossed my mind. My intention was to dress up and surprise the people at the show with a random costume and nothing more…”

Hmmm… innneresting.
While what he says kind of does make sense, if you just LOOK at the outfit he wore, it’s hard NOT to see the stereotype.
So while it may not have been intentional, how did NO ONE tell him how similar he looked to the Jewish caricature?!!?
Where was Ryan Lewis to stop him and save the day ?!? Sigh…
If you’re curious to see, you can read his full statement HERE.

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May 20, 2014 11:11am PDT

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