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Carrie Fisher

Disney Hires Trainers For Returning Star Wars Alums To Get In Shape!

mark hamill carrie fisher star wars trainers fitness health disney weight slim down
Yeah, yeah — we already heard that Carrie Fisher was pumped that she has free access to trainers that Disney has hired to whip her back into shape for her return to a galaxy far far away, but did you know they hired one for Mark Hamill, too??
They did!
Top nutritionists and fitness trainers have been hired, and we get the feeling that we’ll be seeing our beloved Leia and Luke again!
Here’s what one source said:

‘Mark and Carrie need to be as close to their appearance in the earlier movies as possible. Producers are keen to help out and have offered support. The budget is huge so there will be no expense spared.’

We can’t even fathom what the budget will be!
Harrison Ford doesn’t get a special trainer, though we’re sure he has one — he’s already in great shape for being in his ’70s! Cray!
We wish Mark and Carrie all the best! We KNOW they can do it, and maybe they’ll learn tips and tricks to keep it all up even AFTER filming! Healthy lives!
[Image via Nikki Nelson/FayesVision/WENN.]

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Jun 26, 2013 20:31pm PDT