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Petition Demands Matt Damon's Cameo Be Cut Out Of Ocean's 8 Over His Sexual Harassment Comments!

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Based on the trailer, Ocean’s 8 is looking to be one of the best movies of 2018 — but one floating diaper threatens to soil the seas of feminism the film promises to sail: Matt Damon!
The Ocean’s 11-13 star will be making a cameo in the Sandra Bullock-led sequel, and fans are NOT happy about it given his recent comments on Hollywood’s sexual misconduct scandal.
Video: Harvey Weinstein’s Former Assistant Speaks Out On Breaking NDA!
Fans are so against Damon’s cameo, in fact, a petition has circulated demanding that producers take it out of the film!
At the time of this writing, the online petition had over 19,300 signatures calling for his removal — just a few hundred shy of the petition’s 20,000 signature goal.
Referencing the actor’s alleged involvement in trying to kill a 2004 story about Harvey Weinstein‘s predatory history, the petition claims Damon’s appearance in Ocean’s 8 would “trivialize the serious nature” of the allegations. The petition read:

“Damon’s inclusion would trivialize the serious nature of the charges against sexual abusers like Weinstein ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ a show massive disrespect for the brave women speaking out.”

The petition went on to say Damon’s appearance would also negate the film’s message of empowerment for women, considering his widely-criticized comments on the #MeToo movement.
VOTE: Are Matt’s Sexual Harassment Comments Making Things Worse?
Late last week, The Martian star got heat for trying to mansplain the difference between sexual harassment and assault, using impressive words like “eradicated” and “conflated.” Viewers, however, were not impressed.
The petition called on the film’s producers George Clooney and Steven Soderbergh to leave Damon’s cameo (and his opinions) “on the cutting room floor.”
Will Matty’s cameo stop YOU from watching Ocean’s 8?
[Image via Warner Bros..]

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Dec 22, 2017 12:32pm PDT