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Mattel's Finally Coming Out With A Bald Barbie Doll!

This is amazing!
Mattel announced last week they will be coming out with a special bald Friend of Barbie next year!
To ensure a traditional fashion play experience, the doll will come with various wigs, hats, scarves and other fashion accessories.
In a surprising move, Mattel has decided NOT to sell Barbie’s friend in retail stores. They explained on their Facebook page:

“Through a thoughtful approach, we made the decision not to sell these dolls at retail stores, but rather get the dolls directly into the hands of children who can most benefit from the unique play experience, demonstrating Mattel├óΓé¼Γäós ongoing commitment to encourage play as a respite for children in the hospital and to bring joy to children who need it most.”

We think that’s the right thing to do, at least for now.
What do U think about Mattel’s decision???

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Apr 02, 2012 11:30am PDT

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