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Mel Gibson Gives A Couple Of Dolls To Two Cute Little Girls!

Mel Gibson is improving his image in a big way!
The movie star is part of the charity Mending Kids International and he hung out with two cute little girls from Honduras whom needed facial reconstruction surgery.
Mel took ’em out and bought them two VERY expensive dolls – so sweet!
Here’s what he said:

“It was really fun spending time with Karol and Sara … They have been through so much and are just so inspirational to everyone who meets them. At home, these girls couldn’t leave their homes for fear of being tormented. Now, they are walking through one of the most popular tourist areas of Los Angeles.”

We’re so happy that Gibson is giving back to those who really need it.
We’re sure it wasn’t the reason he’s acting charitable, but this is definitely a way to reconstruct his image. Him acting like a mensch and all.

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Nov 29, 2012 12:33pm PDT

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