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Barack Obama

Missouri Governor Steps Up To Veto Bogus Anti-Contraceptive Bill

Birth control pill
Smart move!
In support of a woman’s right to choose and Barack Obama‘s new policy for contraceptive insurance coverage, Missouri’s Governor Jay Nixon has vetoed a bill which would have only expanded religious and moral exemptions from insurance policies.
In an explanation that Republican critics call “silly” and “phony,” Nixon said:

“The bill would shift authority to make decisions about access to contraceptive coverage away from Missouri women, families and employers and put that power in the hands of insurance companies. That would be a step backward for Missouri.”

The vetoed bill would have given individuals, employers and insurance companies the right to refuse what is now mandatory coverage for abortion, contraception and sterilization. People would also be allowed to file lawsuits against a company because they cover contraception.
Does anyone else think that is kind of crazy?
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. If your insurance policy covers contraceptions or abortions, that doesn’t mean you have to go out get them!
We fully support a person’s decision not to engage in an activity or behavior because of their religious beliefs, but we DO NOT support a particular religious belief determining the activity or behavior of others who do not share the same belief.
House Majority Leader Tim Jones believes the veto is just “a reason the governor used to cater to his pro-choice base.” We believe it’s just plain logical!
Let’s simply this entire debate. Imagine you don’t like eating bananas, but your grocery store sells bananas. Do you just pass by the bananas and choose not to purchase them or do you petition the store not to carry bananas because you, personally, don’t like bananas?
If you chose the latter option, then you’re probably pretty selfish and think that everyone should dislike bananas just as much as you do. The truth is, no one is forcing you to buy those bananas, they are simply an available option.
In conclusion, anybody who thinks that it’s an outrage that contraceptives are covered by insurance is just bananas.
P.S. If your counter argument is that the inclusion of contraceptives will increase the cost of premiums, then we’d like to point out that not exercising, eating junk food and smoking cigarettes also increases premiums, but we’re not complaining!
It’s a free country, so in effect, your free to make your own decisions. One of which is whether or not you want to make a conscious effort to prevent certain health conditions. Another is whether or not you’d like to use birth control.

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Jul 13, 2012 19:30pm PDT

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