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This Model Says Burger King ‘Raped My Face’ With A Tasteless Ad, Using Her Pic WITHOUT Her Permission! See The Shot That’s Made Her So Mad HERE!

burger king rape ad watermark
We only wish Don Draper was real so we could ask him his thoughts on this Burger King ad that ran in Singapore five years ago.
Sure, Double D loves a good beej like any other dude but we think even he would be offended by this totally tasteless advert!
And get this…
The wide-mouthed model in the pic is coming forward now to say she NEVER gave the fast food company her permission to use her likeness for this either! And she’s super pissed that she unwittingly became a sexual euphemism used to sell cheap hamburgers.
While she’s not giving out her name, she’s staying anything but silent, speaking out and calling for a BOYCOTT of Burger King! As she puts it:

“Burger King found my photo online from a series I did of various facial expressions and contortion poses, and with no due regard to me as a person, profited off reducing me to an orifice for their penis sludge; publicly humiliating me in the process. It was shown online as well as on bus stops and the walls and place mats of their restaurant.├óΓé¼┬¥

She’s also released a strongly worded video on YouTube where she goes so far as to suggest that Burger King raped her face! You can watch it (below).
BK has come forward to weigh in on the controversy, saying:

“Our investigation shows that the rights to use the image were purchased from the legal owner of those rights. We were not made aware until recently that the model claims not to have known about this use. We have since spoken with the model’s family and assured them that we have no intent to use this image again.├óΓé¼┬¥

What do you think Perezcious readers?
If Burger King paid for the pic, did they do anything wrong? Or was their first mistake making this ad to begin with?
Sound off!!!

[Image via Burger King.]

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Aug 08, 2014 18:01pm PDT