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Maskless Nancy Pelosi Under Fire For Getting A Blowout Inside A Closed California Salon!

Nancy Pelosi is coming under fire for getting a blowout in a closed California salon!

UPDATE 9/3/2020 10:40 A.M. PST: Nancy Pelosi has now called the salon fiasco a “setup.”

In a press conference, the Speaker of the House said:

“I take responsibility for trusting the word of the neighborhood salon that I’ve been to, over the years, many times, and that when they said that we’re able to accommodate people one person at a time, and that we can set up that time, I trusted that. … As it turns out, that was the setup. So, I take responsibility for falling for a setup. And that’s all I’m going to say on that.”

It appears Pelosi’s team is claiming that salon owner Erica Kious did, in fact, have control over allowing the Speaker into the salon, and did so with the intention of handing the footage over to Fox News. (Pelosi also claimed she was actually wearing a mask during the visit, just not at the moment she was getting her hair washed.)

While the situation may be shady, Pelosi could have avoided the whole scandal by not going into a salon, like many of us have been doing during the pandemic. Frankly, “taking responsibility for falling for a setup” doesn’t quite measure up as an apology, if you ask us.

Turns out more politicians than just Donald Trump are living by the mantra “do as I say, not as I do” these days!

Top Democrat and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is under proverbial fire after getting caught red-handed visiting a hair salon for a wash and blowout despite local San Francisco ordinances requiring salons to keep closed from the public amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Not a great look!

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Fox News first obtained security camera footage this week from eSalon in San Francisco, time-stamped to Monday afternoon at 3:08 pm PT, which showed the political juggernaut walking through the space with wet hair — and without a mask over her mouth or nose. Girl, really?! A hairstylist was seen following behind her, wearing a black face mask.

It’s a quick clip (below), but it’s far from harmless:

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It may not seem like much to you, but it is SUCH a hypocritical move relative to what Democrats like Pelosi have (correctly!) been preaching throughout this whole pandemic about staying at home, social distancing, and avoiding high-traffic, close-quarters places like salons — especially without wearing a mask.

Add to that the fact that Pelosi was directly breaking the city of San Francisco’s ordinances; hair salons have been officially shuttered since March, and were only recently notified they could re-open on September 1 (that was Tuesday) for outdoor hairstyling services only. Pelosi, as we reported, received an indoor service, and went in a day early on Monday, August 31. Not cool!!!

The eSalon owner, Erica Kious, spoke to Fox News by phone on Tuesday and was rightfully indignant at her salon being used in this manner after so many forced months of shutdown:

“One of the stylists who rents a chair from me contacted me Sunday night [about Pelosi asking to come in]. I was like, are you kidding me right now? Do I let this happen? What do I do?”

Kious, like most hair salon owners, rents chairs to her stylists, so she only has so much control over their decisions in situations like this. Still, she was flabbergasted that Pelosi would pop in like that:

“It was a slap in the face that she went in, you know, that she feels that she can just go and get her stuff done while no one else can go in, and I can’t work. We’re supposed to look up to this woman, right? It is just disturbing.”

No kidding!

Related: Sharon Stone Calls Out ‘Non Mask Wearers’ In Sister’s Scary COVID-19 Battle

For the Speaker’s part, her spokesman Drew Hammill released a statement pushing back against the story:

“The Speaker always wears a mask and complies with local COVID requirements. This business offered for the Speaker to come in on Monday and told her they were allowed by the city to have one customer at a time in the business. The Speaker complied with the rules as presented to her by this establishment.”

That “one customer” rule is news to us down here in SoCal! Just saying… Even so, Kious is pissed — and she has every right to be, considering the roller coaster she (and all business owners) have been on since March. The salon owner added:

“We have been shut down for so long, not just me, but most of the small businesses and I just can’t – it’s a feeling – a feeling of being deflated, helpless and honestly beaten down. I have been fighting for six months for a business that took me 12 years to build to reopen. I am a single mom, I have two small children, and I have no income. The fact that they did this, and she came in, it’s like a slap in the face.”

We totally get it! And we totally don’t get why Pelosi didn’t wait one more day to receive outdoor service at that salon, as this would’ve been perfectly legal and normal based on the new September 1 guidelines. Or why not have the stylist do an outdoor house call instead?? Plenty of people are getting haircuts and services done in that manner! Why didn’t Pelosi opt for that, maintain her privacy, and save all the trouble of looking so bad here?!

Forever itchy with his Twitter fingers, even Trump himself weighed in on this story early Wednesday morning (below):

(Forever obsessed with losers, Trump there is linking Pelosi’s haircut controversy to her recent vocal support for moderate Democrat Joe Kennedy, who lost the Massachusetts Senate Democratic Primary to progressive incumbent Ed Markey on Tuesday night. Also note how Don assumed the gender of the business owner, referring to Kious as a “HIM.”)

In a world where it feels like most Republicans have already gone off the deep end in downplaying the threat of COVID-19 and foregoing masks in public, it REALLY sucks to see such a highly-visible Democrat appearing to do the same thing, even if only for a quick trip to get her hair done. We thought we were in this together?!

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[Image via WENN/Instar]

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Sep 02, 2020 08:02am PDT