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NBA Star Purposely Touched Reporters' Microphones, Was 'Careless' With Teammates Days Before Testing Positive For Coronavirus

NBA player Rudy Gobert touched reporters' microphones two days before testing positive for coronavirus... oops!

The NBA has suspended the rest of its season indefinitely after a player tested positive for the Coronavirus, and now we know who that player is — and some of his controversial backstory with this disease.

According to reports from Wednesday night and Thursday morning, Utah Jazz star Rudy Gobert is the first NBA player to test positive for COVID-19. His diagnosis prompted the league to halt its season completely, considering the close contact between opponents and the likelihood of the illness spreading throughout locker rooms.

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Gobert is a healthy 27-year-old pro athlete with access to good, team-led medical care, so it’s very likely he’ll come out of this whole thing fine, of course, and we wish him the best with recovery.

But now, his actions of the past few days are now coming under further scrutiny. Just two days ago, when brushing off concern about the Coronavirus pandemic during a press conference, Gobert jokingly touched every single reporters’ microphone on the table before leaving the room at the end of the interview. The move, a swipe at the league’s caution regarding the virus, looks particularly bad now that Gobert himself is the one to test positive.

Video of the event (below) shows the basketball star having some fun, completely unaware of the fact that he would soon test positive (below):

Wow. WOW WOW WOW!!!!

Salt Lake Tribune beat reporter Eric Walden, who was in the room during the interview at the time, explained more in a blurb about the bizarre moment:

“As part of the Jazz’s COVID-19 response, shootaround availability was done in the ZBBC media room today rather than on the court. As Rudy Gobert got finished discussing the situation, he stood up, leaned over and made it a point to touch every mic and recorder in front of him.”

Absolutely unbelievable — and irresponsible. And now, the season is over.

Upon canceling the rest of the regular season (it’s unclear whether the playoffs will return in April or May), the league explained its decision in a statement to fans that referenced Gobert, though not by name:

“The NBA announced that a player on the Utah Jazz has preliminary tested positive for COVID-19. The test was reported shortly prior to the tip-off of tonight’s game between the Jazz and Oklahoma City Thunder at Chesapeake Energy Arena. The NBA is suspending game play following the conclusion of tonight’s schedule of games until further notice. The NBA will use this hiatus to determine next steps for moving forward in regard to the coronavirus pandemic.”

Holy s**t. What a crazy time…

But wait… it gets worse!

On Thursday morning, ESPN‘s Adrian Wojnarowski reported Gobert was apparently “careless” around the locker room in touching teammates and their possessions over the last several days, as well:

That’s crazy! NOT a good look for Rudy, right?! Especially as his teammate Donovan Mitchell was just said to have tested positive for the illness, too! According to the team, out of 58 tests administered, Mitchell was the only additional person to be diagnoses with Coronavirus:

“Oklahoma health officials tested all members of the Utah Jazz traveling party, confirming one additional positive outcome for a Jazz player. We are working closely with the CDC, Oklahoma and Utah state officials, and the NBA to monitor their health and determine the best path moving forward.”

What do U make of this whole thing, Perezcious readers?! Is this a crazy time to be alive, or what?? Let us know where you stand in the comments (below)…

[Image via Apega/WENN]

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Mar 12, 2020 09:13am PDT