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New York Restaurant Protested For Serving Foie Gras Doughnuts


So disgusting.

New York’s Do or Dine restaurant is under fire for adding the foie gras doughnut on their menu.

The dessert is a fritter filled with fatted goose liver and runs about $11 bucks.

Protestors are outraged over the doughnut claiming that “birds should not have to suffer for doughnuts.” Over 650 people have signed a petition to stop the selling of the dessert.

Chef Justin Warner claims that he only makes about 30 doughnuts a week and will probably take the item off the menu eventually since it changes weekly. He adds, “we’re not so attached to anything on the menu.”

Sounds pretty gross and really unhealthy. Let’s hope this doesn’t become a trend.

[Image via Gothamist.]

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Jul 19, 2011 17:00pm PDT

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