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OUCH! NFL Player Has Hair PULLED OUT While Being Tackled! See The Hair-Raising GIF HERE!

jason babin ripped out some of andre ellingtons hair
Who knew having long hair in the NFL was such a liability??!
This weekend during a matchup between the Arizona Cardinals and the Jacksonville Jaguars, running back Andre Ellington ran up the middle for a short gain.
Nothing seem unusual about the play, but when defensive end Jason Babin emerged from the pile-up, he had a little trophy in his hand. Some of Andre Ellington’s hair!
That’s right! When Jason made the tackle, he grabbed a handful of the Cardinal’s dreads and actually pulled it off of his head!
The even crazier thing is that the play was perfectly legal! NFL players are 100% allowed to grab each other’s hair, meaning players with luscious locks of hair are ALWAYS at risk!
Andre addressed the nasty incident after the game and took to Twitter to let fans know he was alright:

Well that’s good to hear!
And the news got even better for Andre, as he somehow got his hair back after the game and plans to sew it back onto his head!
Um, congrats??
We’re not 100% sure, but we’re guessing this might convince some players to consider getting a hair cut! LOLz!
Ch-ch-check out Andre getting his dreads back (below)!
andre ellington has dreads pulled out during nfl game
[Image via Twitter.]

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Nov 18, 2013 10:58am PDT