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NFL Player Loses The Tip Of His Finger During A Game! Find Out How HERE!!

nfl player rashad johnson loses the tip of his finger during a game

Football is hands down one of the toughest sports around, and NFL players are constantly getting injured in some of the most gruesome ways imaginable!

But this one might just take the cake. Or should we say, the finger!!

In a matchup this weekend between the Arizona Cardinals and the New Orleans Saints, safety Rashad Johnson went to the sideline with a finger injury after making a tackle on a punt return.

But when he went to take the glove off of his left hand, the tip of his middle finger came clean off!!

That’s right!! This guy actually LOST the tip of his finger during a game! And apparently that didn’t stop him from getting back on the field because he stayed in the game!!

Talk about one tough hombre!!

Afterwards, Rashad had to have surgery on his finger and had the bone shaved down to his first knuckle. The bone was exposed for a brief period of time, so there is a risk of infection.

Luckily, the 9-fingered-footballer has been declining fans requests to see a picture of his damaged digit, which is probably a good thing, because just hearing about this is enough to make us queasy!

[Image via G. Newman Lowrance/AP Images.]

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Sep 23, 2013 15:59pm PDT

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