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The NFL Wants Katy Perry, Coldplay Or Rihanna To PAY Big Bucks For The Right To Perform At Next Season’s Super Bowl!

katy perry chris martin rihanna sbs doodle
We for one would shell out some serious moola to see Katy Perry, Coldplay or Rihanna play at halftime of the next Super Bowl!
But would they do the same???
The NFL is actually asking the superstar acts to PAY for the privilege to perform during the biggest sporting event on the planet!
Sorry, whaaaaat???
Even though KP, RiRi and Chris Martin & Co. are used to getting bags of cash for their own concerts, the league considers this gig to be a major marketing opportunity.
Bruno Mars and the Red Hot Chili Peppers were onstage during last year’s halftime show for no more than 12 minutes. Convert that into commercial minutes and that air time would have cost nearly $100 million!
The NFL has never paid a musical act to perform. But is it fair for them to think they’ve been giving musicians free publicity for decades??
And will any of those artists actually pay to play??
If the NFL wants to make MORE money off of their halftime performance, maybe they should let crowdsourcing decide who fans want to see!
We’ve got two words for you: Weird. Al.
We can make THIS happen, Perezcious readers!
[Images via DC5/George Chin /IconicPix/WENN.]

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Aug 19, 2014 19:10pm PDT