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Octo-Mom Is Not A Fan Of Casey Anthony


But then again, who is really.

The only thing that Octo-Mom and Casey Anthony really have in common is their sensationalized media coverage and the fact that they’re both mothers. After that, Nadya Suleman sees ZERO similarities between and has come forward to share her downright hatred of the woman who was accused, then acquitted of killing her daughter.

She says:

“I would die for my children. The whole [Casey Anthony] case makes me nauseous. It makes me sick … The thought that Casey Anthony would even entertain the idea of harming her child makes me sick. I don’t have all the facts, but I’ve worked with the mentally disabled for many years before having kids. I worked with sociopaths and psychopaths in a mental hospital and in my opinion Casey Anthony is not emotionally stable. If something happened and she really did do something to her child I believe it would be related to her mental illness.”

Yeah, we could believe that. Mostly because we don’t want to believe a person’s heart would so black and cold that taking their own child’s life could be so easy for them.

But you know, we find it strange that it has been sometime since Casey was released and she has yet to enroll in a treatment center like her lawyers said she would. She’s just chillin’ in Ohio, leisurely walking through life without a care in the world. Guess the whole “my daughter is dead” deal doesn’t really bother her THAT much.

This woman. Deplorable.

[Image via WENN& AP Images.]

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Aug 04, 2011 10:20am PDT

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