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Paul Rudd & Jimmy Fallon Drink Cups Of Mystery Fluid In One Of The Grossest Tonight Show Games Yet!

Jimmy Fallon must be feeling better! He’s back and playing drinking games once again!
Paul Rudd stopped by the show on Monday night to promote his new movie Ant-Man and found himself getting a free drink… of gravy. Or possibly everclear.
[ Video: Paul Spends An Entire Interview Farting ]
In the new game Drinko, based on the The Price Is Right classic Plinko, Jimmy and Paul drop disks down a peg board with no idea what cup they’re going to land in — but the other player has to down it!
Confused? Don’t be! Just…
Ch-ch-check out the video (above) to watch the guys have a not-so-pleasant drink!

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Jul 14, 2015 10:04am PDT