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Barack Obama

President Obama Is SUPER Happy About Sony's Decision To Release The Interview! Free Speech FTW!

obama celebrates sony decision to release the interview
Looks like someone is extremely happy about The Interview‘s release and it ain’t Kim Jong-un!
It’s President Barack Obama!
When the news broke that Sony decided that it WOULD release the Seth Rogen and James Franco-headed movie, everyone let out a collective cheer with the news.
[ Related: James Franco & Seth Rogen Break Their Silence! ]
Sure it won’t be released in EVERY single theater, but it will be released via video on demand.
Well, the Commander in Chief released a statement, via White House deputy press secretary Eric Schultz, and the Prez is pretty ecstatic about the news.
He said:

“The President applauds Sony’s decision to authorize screenings of the film. As the President made clear, we are a country that believes in free speech, and the right of artistic expression. The decision made by Sony and participating theaters allows people to make their own choices about the film, and we welcome that outcome.”

We wonder what the “Guardians of Peace” will have to say about this!
More importantly, however, what do YOU think?
Will YOU be seeing the film in theaters on Christmas Day?!?

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Dec 23, 2014 16:50pm PDT