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President Obama Hangs With Eva Longoria And Will Smith At Fancy Hollywood Fundraiser

President Obama Hangs With Eva Longoria And Will Smith At Fancy Hollywood Fundraiser
Will Smith, Magic Johnson, and Eva Longrioa are just few of the famous folk that came out to see their favorite 2012 presidential candidate speak at last night’s election fundraiser in Hollywood.
How did it go? Well, according to Eva’s tweet it was an,

“Amazing night with our great President.”

The night wasn’t all fun and tweets. Obama got real with his high profile to supporters, admitting that the next presidential election,

“Will not be as sexy as the first one. Back then, it was still fresh and new. I didn’t have any gray hair. Everybody loved the ‘Hope’ posters and all that. This time, we’ve got to grind it out a little bit. But the cause is the same. And my passion is the same. And my commitment is the same.”

When the fun in fundraising started to wind down coolest and most intellectual awesomest celebs in attendance headed over to Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith‘s place for an after party.
There Obama hung out with Hollywoods biggest Obama lovers, including co-hosts Eva and George Lopez.
Obama wraps up his two-day trip to L.A. today by making his second appearance as president on The Tonight Show.
[image via Eva Longoria / WhoSay]

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Oct 25, 2011 19:20pm PDT