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Proposed California Bill Would FORCE SeaWorld To Stop Its Controversial Killer Whales Show! But SeaWorld Is Fighting It!

proposed california bill would force seaworld to stop its controversial killer whales show but seaworld is fighting it
Anyone who says movies don’t have an impact in real life can bite their tongue!
At least this time around!
Because of the enlightening documentary Blackfish, a bill has been proposed in California that would effectively force SeaWorld to shut its killer whales show down!
Not only that, but it would also make SeaWorld provide the majestic animals with far larger sea pens! Hallelujah!
The bill would also make it illegal for the marine life to be bred, and would ban the import/export of other animals! If the bill is passed, folks are hoping it will make it much easier to get similar bills passed in Florida and Texas – the home of other SeaWorld resorts.
But SeaWorld is fighting back as anyone would expect them to. Because if this bill is passed, they would stand to lose A LOT of money!
Here’s what SeaWorld San Diego Park president John Reilly said:

“That argument is not based on credible peer-reviewed science. It’s based on emotion and a propaganda film.”

The documentary he is referring to is Blackfish which connected the deaths and attacks on whale trainers to the cruel treatment the animals have to endure at the park.
However, one of the bill’s sponsors – marine mammal scientist Naomi Rose – does not believe SeaWorld treats its animals properly. The reason they don’t? Because it’s impossible! She said:

“They are too large, too intelligent, too socially complex and too far-ranging to be adequately cared for in captivity.”

Since Blackfish was released, the park has suffered major financial losses, although SeaWorld attributes that to when the holidays occur this time of year.
The state Assembly will meet on Tuesday to hold a committee hearing, but the bill’s most active proponent Richard Bloom, D-Santa Monica, says the point of the bill isn’t to hurt SeaWorld. He said:

“We are not talking about shutting down SeaWorld. We are talking about transforming them.”

Couldn’t of said it better ourselves!
Lets hope this bill passes. It’ll mark a great day for animal activists, and, most importantly, for the whales themselves!
[Image via AP Images.]

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Apr 08, 2014 13:34pm PDT