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PSYCHO! Spencer Pratt REMOVED From The Hills After Threatening Female Producer!!


This is out of control.

Spencer Pratt announced today that he was leaving The Hills to work for the cyber security division at American Defense Enterprise, which we thought made him a crazy person.

Apparently, it turns out that he IS STILL a crazy person, just in a much more effed up, disgusting way.

A source is calling BS on the reality dick’s cyber crime announcement, and claims that in reality, Pratt was KICKED OFF the set for flipping out and threatening to KILL a female producer, and has to take a six week hiatus to undergo anger management!!


The source says:

“He is leaving The Hills for 6 weeks because he was asked to. He got so crazy that he screamed at [her], ‘I should kill you for even asking me to do that!'”

The producer was “very rattled” by Pratt’s behavior and filed a complaint with MTV, who were apparently ready to fire him completely!!

Pratt’s people then went into damage control mode and worked out a deal with the show.

“The show agreed that Spencer would leave The Hills for six weeks to do anger management training once a week at home. If he completes it, he can return to the show.”

Who does he think he is? Absolutely disgusting.

We think that douche needs to write that producer an apology!! ASAP.


[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 15, 2010 18:02pm PDT

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