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Boston Red Sox Pitcher John Lackey Divorcing Wife During Her Cancer Battle

John Lackey
This is just cold!
Boston Red Sox pitcher John Lackey has filed for divorce from his wife, Krista, who is in the middle of a breast cancer battle!
She had a double mastectomy back in March and underwent chemotherapy treatment as recently as June, but that didn’t stop John from filing divorce papers in Texas on August 30th.
Documents reveal he is claiming “the marriage has become insupportable because of discord or conflict of personalities.”
Copying the likes of famous splits like Tony Parker and Eva Longoria or Sandra Bullock and Jesse James, he filed the divorce papers using only his and Krista’s initials.
The maneuver did not fool the fearless media who even asked him about it after Sunday night’s game against the New York Yankees. Despite snagging a win after a good performance on the field, he snapped at the press, saying:

“Let me tell you the truth. Thirty minutes before the game I got a text message on my cell phone from one of you, somebody in the media, talking about personal stuff. I shouldn’t even have to be standing up here dealing with it. I’m sitting here, listening to music. I don’t know who got my phone number, but that’s over the line.”

We don’t know what’s really going on behind that the scenes in this guy’s marriage, so we can’t condemn him for his decision. However, filing for divorce from your partner while they are battling a life threatening illness is AWFUL timing.
Our hearts go out to Krista and wish her the best as she continues her fight against cancer. We hope John remains supportive, despite his decision to end their marriage.
[Image via AP Images.]

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Sep 27, 2011 20:00pm PDT