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Kristen Stewart

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart "Good Friends?" Find Out If Their Breakup Is Finally In Its Twilight Hours HERE!

Looks like Twihards might not have to cry hard anymore!
We reported earlier how Kristen Stewart allegedly was the one who convinced Robert Pattinson not to take the role of Christian Grey in his pale, vampiric hands, so naturally we were upset that RPatz wouldn’t be the one taking Dakota Johnson to his Red Room of Pain!
However, on the flipside, it looks as though she was only able to convince him because they’re talking every day, according to a source:

“They’re good friends and still leaning on each other and talking every day.”

Hmm well if they’re physically leaning on each other, one thing might lead to another thing being stuck into her thing!
Who knows? Perhaps romantic sparks might, well, sparkle in the sunlight again!
Any chances of them dating do seem slim, but if it makes them both happy, they should go right ahead!

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Oct 30, 2013 09:15am PDT