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Christina Ricci

R-Patz Peers Into You Soul Seductively In This New Poster For Bel Ami

Did you hear that? That was the sound of our heart dropping into our stomach. Even in print, Robert Pattinson can do things to us physically we can’t quite understand.
But we like it all the same!
Check out this new poster for Robert’s next flick, Bel Ami. Starring alongside Christina Ricci and Uma Thurman, fans of R-Patz are about to see a side of him they never get to see in Twilight: seductive! None of that hands-off, cutaway, vampire purity nonsense in this film. R-Patz is all about the SEX!!!!
And we can’t find a single issue with that!
U like???

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Feb 01, 2012 01:30am PDT