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Spanish Running Of The Bulls Coming To America!!

Pamplona, Spain is really known for one thing: the running of the bulls!

But every death-defying, thrill seeker might not have the money to make it all the way to Europe.

So the bulls are coming to America!!

Brad Scudder and Rob Dickins, two Americans, have already gotten 20,000 U.S. citizens to shell out the $35 bull running fee.

They’re bringing bull runs to ten U.S. cities!!

The difference between the Spanish bull runs and the American version will be two major changes for the better…

The course will have cutouts where slow runners can duck to the side to avoid the stampede and the bulls won’t be run into a matador arena to be killed.

The bulls will simply return to the rodeo circuit.

The Humane Society obviously opposes the event and the U.S.D.A. is “carefully examining this issue.”

Check out the video (above) to learn some more and watch a reporter narrowly escape death by bulls!!

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Aug 08, 2013 11:57am PDT

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