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Selena Gomez's Little TV Bro In Hit-And-Run Accident Has a History of Drunk Driving! Get Deets HERE!

Selena Gomez's Little TV Bro In Hit-And-Run Accident Has a History of Drunk Driving! Get Deets HERE!

Jake T. Austin arrested for DUI
Uh oh! Looks like Selena Gomez‘s Wizards of Waverly Place little bro has a history of DUI’s!
We reported that Jake T. Austin was involved in a drunken hit-and-run on Tuesday morning but it’s come to light that this isn’t all he was involved in!
Nope! Apparently the Disney star was arrested LAST MONTH for a DUI!
The 18 year-old actor, who in case you haven’t noticed is clearly under the legal drinking age, was pulled over on October 8th for drunk driving!
He, apparently, blew a .08 on the breathalyzer, was charged with a DUI, and will be heading to court tomorrow!
But get this, the car he was driving drunkenly? It’s the SAME car that was used in the hit-and-run on Tuesday morning!!
Uh-oh, looks like someone’s gonna be in troooouuuuble!

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Nov 22, 2013 08:32am PDT

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